About Us

Kutsche’s Hardware is a fixture in the history of Grand Rapids.  For more than 150 years, we have been providing hardware to industry, contractors and homeowners.  We specialize in having everything for your very specific needs that you won’t be able to find at any other hardware stores.  Let us tell you our story.  Click the pictures below to learn how Kutsche’s began and became central to the history of hardware in Grand Rapids.

Our History

Click the images below to learn more about each milestone


Established in the Heart of Grand Rapids

Established in the Heart of Grand Rapids


Originally established as Kutsche & Verdier Hardware, Kutsche’s got it’s start during the American Civil War.  William P. Kutsche bought out his partner in 1870 and established Kutsche’s Hardware and Industrial Supply Co. at 328 Monroe NW.  For 101 years, Kutsche’s grew in that 20 foot wide building, occupying all four floors packed to the ceiling with their wide range of products.

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Urban Renewal and the Changing Face of Kutsche's

Urban Renewal and the Changing Face of Kutsche's


The 1960’s changed the landscape of Grand Rapids.  The older decaying buildings were being torn down to make room for the new government buildings that would occupy the land.  When he was offered a buyout, Mr. Kutsche was ready to move on and did not want to struggle with the hassle of moving. He sold to Harold Brander, the owner of the paint and wallpaper store next door.  Brander saw the amazing staff and history of great customer service as a great opportunity and bought Kutsche’s Hardware in 1963.

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The Move to Leonard Street

The Move to Leonard Street


The construction of the new building, located at 307 Leonard, began in 1965, but the question remained if the customer base would follow.  Mr. Brander banked that the quality of service and dedication to the widest variety of tooling would keep customers coming.  He was right and Kutsche’s continued it’s successful business from the Leonard St. location.

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Still Growing and Faithfully Serving Customers

Still Growing and Faithfully Serving Customers


Today, Harold’s grandson, Chip, runs Kutsche’s Hardware with the same focus on customer service and tooling that kept them successful for the last 150 years.  Looking ahead to staying innovative while remaining true to tradition, Kutsche’s continues to grow.   We are proud to show new customers what a customer-centered hardware store is supposed to be.

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